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TimeCheck’s 24 hrs Concept Enables Employee Shift Scheduling Efficiently

TimeCheck’s 24 hrs Concept Enables Employee Shift Scheduling Efficiently

We see shift workers in many industries cater to client’s needs by working for more than a regular eight hours schedule. We also come across certain others who work in different shifts to match the timezone of other countries. Actually, employers find shift work as the best way to increase production without any need for expansion of existing infrastructure. Today, in most organization employers consider the workday as 24 hours and make shift scheduling for employees by covering that entire time period.

For companies, having shift work employees there are several concerns in organizing the shifts appropriately. To address this easily and efficiently configure TimeCheck, Employee Shift Management Software comes with specialized features. This employee shift scheduling feature gives you the flexibility to define & construct the 24 Hours shift in the shift master and skillfully manage any complex shift management needs smoothly.

Installing this time & attendance software assists employees / HR managers / organization to perform the following shift change scheduling

  • Shift can be allotted to one employee or group of employees with valid conditions
  • The work hours can be calculated based on the defined shift configurations
  • This 24 Hours shift will facilitate HR / Authorized user to manage employees irregular shift timing in a effortless manner

Shift Management Solution from TimeCheck handles complex, overlapping, rotating, and over-night shift schedules well. With this on your workplace you can avoid scheduling conflicts, reduce labour cost, as well as increase business productivity.