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Notifications Saves Sanction Authorities Time

Notifications Saves Sanction Authorities Time

Products are frequently improved by us with respect to market needs for business success. One significant reason for enhancing existing features is considering the needs of marketplace, to make our brand as quite innovative as well gives customers a sense of trustworthiness and competence. We are excited to share that our regular improvement to the existing product advances our product and adds value to the user.

Latest Improvement to the employee attendance tracking software is that each approval authorities will get “Notification”. This module will always Notify the authorities about No of Leave Requests / No of Permission Requests / No of On Duty Requests raised by their sub-ordinates with various status like Pending / Forward / Approved.

This update lets the authorities to get the Number of counts for various status under Leave / Permission /On duty in a single pop-up page as a Notification. The Notification will have individual links to the appropriate requests page and authorities can easily navigate on to do the approvals. Now the problem of reviewing the sanction modules individually on daily basis has been eradicated completely and this module development in the existing attendance monitoring software application has reduced the amount of work the authorities did earlier & thus enables corporate offices to save time, improve efficiency by utilizing available resources.

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