Case Studies
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Simplified Employee Leave Tracking & Payroll Processing

Simplified Employee Leave Tracking & Payroll Processing

Client is one of the largest integrated auto component manufacturers with large employee base across locations.

Business Requirement

Time & Attendance Management Software for automating the regularized attendance data submitted by their HR Every month. Regularization employee attendance report is one which includes all previous months CL / OH / C. Off / EL / HPL / Paternity / Maternity / Special CL / EOL, that were approved for that month payroll & those that were not done / carry forwarded for months together.
Solution Provided

We integrated Timecheck Software with their hardware device & enabled them to automate payroll processing by generating attendance reports. In specific, the regularized attendance data which they needed to automate was provided by creating a special report which tracks both, the absent marks for the employees and the non-approval requests of Leave / Late entry / On Duty etc. with status. On approval this the days will get automatically added into the next payroll as a separate value.


  • Regularizes the Attendance Data Pending Approval
  • Payroll Processing automated saves HR Time
  • Reduces Paper works
  • Increases Employee Satisfaction