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How does a time & attendance system add value to your business?

Time and attendance software

How does a time & attendance system add value to your business?

In today’s time HR managers face many challenges & to be successful they have to invest in technology that would benefit then in numerous ways. For example, investing in Time and Attendance System would let HR to save a substantial amount of time and effort.  To be cost effective Time and attendance software should go beyond just tracking employee clock-in and clock-out hours.

Businesses with Remote Workforce

With Timecheck Time & Attendance Management Software on premises HR managers can meetup the challenge in maintaining today’s workforce. Even businesses that have mobile employees can make use of geo technology in this mobile compatible application & log their attendance for tracking the exact locations where they start and end their shifts.

Businesses with Flexi time

In organisations where employers are paying their employees for the actual time they work, the biggest benefit with this time tracking system is the ability for a manager or supervisor to view outcomes of overtime, comp off works done & then either approve or deny. Employers by tracking early exist, late entry, consolidated work hrs shortage in real time can reduce payroll cost.

Businesses with Swift Rostering

The biggest benefit with this digital time tracking system is the feature to let employees handle many time-tracking tasks on their own. It removes some of the burdens that commonly get placed on HR departments for example doing swift rostering based on employee preference & business need. Helps eliminate administrative task.

If you want to replace your paper-based timesheets with appropriate attendance management software contact us. We will help you automate & centrally manage the attendance system as well keep you informed of blockages that have an impact on the organization’s performance and productivity.